Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on the 18 May 2022

at 7.30 p.m. in Lawrance Park Hall, Thurlby










Councillors:  R Bill, N Bradley,S Broadbent, H Edwards (presiding) P Haley, E Lunn, M Owen, M Reece,
A Thomas and D White,

Residents:see attached list

Others: B M Champness (clerk).County Cllr R Reid and District Cllr B Dobson(arrived at 7.43)





CouncillorEdwardswelcomed 4Parishioners,10 Parish Councillors, County Cllr Reid, District Cllr Dobsonwho together with the Clerk who was in attendance totalled17




Apologies for absence.






Apologies were received from Cllr L Loweas well from Rev Carolyn Bailey, Mary Trumble and PCSO Jason Possnett.




Minutes of the Annual Parish meeting held on the 23 June 2021






Resolved: The minutes of the 23 June 2021as circulated be signed by the Chair as a correct record ........





To receive the report of the Past Years Activities from the Chairman of Thurlby Parish Council.






The Chairman, Cllr Edwardsread afull and detailed reportof the Parish Council’s activities over the past 12 months.  A copy of that report is attached.   ........




To receive the annual report of Thurlby Parish Council’s Responsible Financial Officer





The Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer Mr B Champness gave a report on the Parish Council’s finances and handed out a copy of a spreadsheet showing what money was received and spent during the year, a copy of which is attached. ........




Reports from various organisations within the Village of their activities for the last year





County Cllr Robert Reidgave a report on the activities of Lincolnshire County Council and a copy of the report is attached. ........ Questions were asked and answered





District Cllr Barry Dobson, who was not in attendance at the time when he was to give his report, had sent a detailed report of the activities of South Kesteven District Council during the last year as well as updating the meeting with what was happening now.The report was read by the Clerk and a copy of this report is attached. ........





Mary Trumble Churchwarden of St Firmins Churchalthough having sent her apologies had sent a written report copies of which were circulated and are attached. ........





Colin Murrant from the Lawrance Park Community Association read a report of the activities of Lawrance Park over the last year. A Copy of that report is attached. ........





PCSO Possnetthaving sent his apologies had sent a report, copies of which were circulated at the meeting. A copy is attached. ........




After the reports were given there were then questions asked and answered.




The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and hoped they found the meeting interesting. There being no further business the meeting was formally closed at 20.03