Welome to the Thurlby Parish Council website where we publish details, documents & news relating to
our residents within the Parish. We hope this keeps you informed about local issues & the benefit
and impact they have on your community. We have updated and included many new links that we feel
may be useful giving direct access to services now online.
Council Business

Parish Council Meeting Dates - Agendas - Minutes
Councillors Register of Interest
Parish Councillor details

Parish Information

Parish Background
Parish Map
Map of Village Footpaths
News Items
Proposed new SKDC Local Plan
Notice of Parish Councillor Vacancy
Thurlby Parish Council Completion of Audit Details
Police and Crime Commissioner election:
Notice of Audit Report 2023/24
Local Council meetings must be open to the Press & Public, but meetings can be closed to both if in
the Councils opinion‘publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest.